Nous sommes l’un des chefs de file canadiens de l’apprentissage en ligne en enseignement supérieur et l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services de transformation de talents.

Forts d’une expérience acquise depuis l’an 2000, d’un rayonnement international et de la réalisation de milliers de projets et d’initiatives, nous avons appris que les relations, les affaires, et l’innovation reposent sur l’esprit de collaboration que nous instaurons avec nos clients, du partage des connaissances jusqu’à la conception de solutions novatrices.

Nous sommes l’un des chefs de file canadiens de l’apprentissage en ligne en enseignement supérieur et l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services de transformation de talents.

Forts d’une expérience acquise depuis l’an 2000, d’un rayonnement international et de la réalisation de milliers de projets et d’initiatives, nous avons appris que les relations, les affaires, et l’innovation reposent sur l’esprit de collaboration que nous instaurons avec nos clients, du partage des connaissances jusqu’à la conception de solutions novatrices.

Nous sommes les architectes d’eConcordia, la plateforme de cours en ligne de l’Université Concordia, à Montréal, au Canada.

Nous sommes les architectes d’eConcordia, la plateforme de cours en ligne de l’Université Concordia, à Montréal, au Canada.

Nous aidons les entreprises, les organisations et les établissements d’enseignement à former une main-d’œuvre prête pour l’avenir grâce à des formations basées sur les compétences et transmises par des technologies d’apprentissage avancées.

image of a swan turning into a plane in origami style

Être une force de cohésion pour l’industrie, les universités et les établissements d’enseignement supérieur, en tirant parti des partenariats pour promouvoir la transformation des compétences.

origami style birds on an open book

Chez KnowledgeOne, nous avons toujours reconnu et mis l’accent sur la promotion d’un environnement inclusif où chaque membre de l’équipe éprouve un sentiment d’appartenance, d’appréciation et de liberté d’exprimer sa personnalité complète sur le lieu de travail.

Dans nos collaborations internationales, nous célébrons l’individualité de chaque personne avec qui nous travaillons, en reconnaissant la diversité des perspectives, des idées, des capacités, des talents et des passions qui découlent de leurs origines, de leur héritage, de leur milieu, de leur culture, de leur éducation, de leurs expériences et de leur parcours de vie. Nous transposons cette approche dans nos solutions d’apprentissage.

En tant qu’experts en conception et en développement de programmes en ligne accessibles et inclusifs, nous adhérons aux principes des WCAG (Content Accessibility Guidelines, en français aux Règles de l’accessibilité de contenus web, en anglais Web) ainsi qu’à ceux de la CUA (Conception universelle de l’apprentissage). Nous avons entre autres collaboré avec l’Université Concordia à développer la formation sur la reconnaissance et la prévention de la violence à caractère sexuel ainsi que celle sur l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion. Ces projets nous ont permis d’acquérir une expérience concrète des meilleures pratiques en la matière, faisant de nous un partenaire de premier plan pour travailler sur des sujets sensibles touchant à l’accessibilité, à l’inclusion, au genre, au racisme, à l’équité et à la diversité.

Notre équipe de direction est composée de professionnels chevronnés qui possèdent une riche expérience dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la technologie et des affaires.

Leurs conseils visionnaires et leur engagement en faveur de l’excellence sont à la base de notre mission : transformer les expériences d’apprentissage et donner aux apprenants et aux enseignants du monde entier les moyens d’agir dans un monde transformation accélérée.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Through his 30 years of professional experience in information technology, including the management of several large-scale computer solutions development projects, Robert acquired a strategic vision, as well as leadership, negotiation and change management skills in a multidisciplinary environment.

Before joining eConcordia & KnowledgeOne, Robert was vice-president of Knowledge Management and vice-president of the Global Training and Simulation Division for ten years at SNC-Lavalin.

In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that the division remained at the cutting edge of eLearning and simulation technologies and that the solutions offered to clients were delivered on time and budget with high levels of client satisfaction.

He was also the founding partner and vice-president of Devonyx Solutions Inc., acquired by SNC-Lavalin to become the Global Training and Simulation Division as well as the founding partner and vice-president of the software solutions company UniGlobal acquired by CGI, as well as founder and president of the training and multimedia consulting firm INTÉGRATION Inc.

Along with a master’s degree in media studies from Concordia, Beauchemin possesses a bachelor’s degree in communication from the Université de Montréal.

Robert is in demand as a lecturer and panellist in Canada and abroad. His seminars and workshops include topics such as “Disruptive Innovations in Higher Education” and “Gamification of Learning: The Application of Game Design Elements to Learning Activities.”

He currently serves as director on the Board of l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance (IFIC) for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.

He also sits on the evaluation committee for grant applications submitted under the Digital Educational Call for Proposals, sponsored by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and also sits on the governance and finance committees of the Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the Campus numérique du Québec initiative.

Nous nous distinguons en centrant notre approche sur l’apprenant et le paysage de l’apprentissage en constante évolution. Nous avons à cœur de bâtir des ponts entre les établissements d’enseignement et les entreprises afin de permettre aux individus d’obtenir des certifications qui changeront leur vie.

Nous croyons fermement que l’avenir de l’apprentissage se trouve à l’intersection des technologies de pointe et des expériences d’apprentissage innovantes. Notre Studio XR de réalité étendue est à l’avant-garde de cette transformation passionnante, et à l’affût de tout ce qui touche la réalité virtuelle (VR), l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et la ludification, offrant ainsi une nouvelle dimension à l’apprentissage.

Reconnus pour notre approche d’enseignement innovante et efficace, nous avons reçu de nombreux prix prestigieux oau fil des ans pour notre utilisation des technologies dans l’apprentissage et notre approche unique de la conception pédagogique.

Ces récompenses soulignent notre volonté d’exceller ainsi que nos contributions significatives à l’avancement des technologies et des méthodologies d’apprentissage. En voici quelques exemples :

  • Prix de l’Association internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne
  • Prix Digi
  • Prix canadiens pour l’excellence en formation
  • Réseau canadien pour l’innovation en éducation : Prix pour l’excellence et l’innovation dans l’utilisation de la technologie
  • Réseau canadien pour l’innovation en éducation : Excellence et innovation dans la conception pédagogique
  • Prix canadien du leadership en commerce électronique

an award made from origami

Nous sommes fiers de collaborer avec un large éventail de clients et partenaires prestigieux, qu’il s’agisse d’établissements d’enseignement ou d’entreprises de secteurs très diversifiés, pour fournir des services d’apprentissage de premier ordre.

Nous nous engageons avec enthousiasme auprès d’un réseau diversifié de partenaires d’apprentissage qui nous permettent d’offrir un large éventail d’expériences de formation innovantes et de haute qualité, adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des apprenants d’aujourd’hui.

Notre collaboration avec l’Université Concordia représente un partenariat dynamique qui vise à élargir l’accès à l’éducation et à améliorer la qualité de l’apprentissage. Ensemble, nous combinons des plateformes numériques de pointe et une expertise académique afin de proposer une gamme diversifiée de cours qui s’adressent à un public international et fournissent un enseignement flexible et de haute qualité adapté aux besoins des apprenants d’aujourd’hui.

Concordia University logo

La collaboration innovante que nous entretenons avec Ubisoft fusionne le domaine de l’éducation et celui des jeux interactifs. Ce partenariat se concentre sur la création d’expériences d’apprentissage ludiques et engageantes où le contenu éducatif est intégré de manière transparente dans des environnements de jeu immersifs, afin de rendre l’apprentissage plus interactif, plus agréable et plus efficace pour divers types d’apprenants.

Ubisoft logo

La SOFEDUC est un organisme à but non lucratif dont la mission est de promouvoir, reconnaître et évaluer la qualité de la formation continue dispensée par les organismes publics et privés au Canada, conformément à ses normes de qualité. À ce titre, KnowledgeOne est accréditée pour offrir des unités d’éducation continue. Ces unités sont une reconnaissance standardisée des activités de formation continue qui répondent à un besoin réel des individus et des organisations.

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