In instructional design, gamification is the application of methods proper to games, notably video games, to incite users to gain knowledge or to develop a desired behaviour.
Web 2.0
The second generation of the World Wide Web that allows the internauts to interact with each other, to create web content and to share information online.
Social media
A social media are websites and applications that enable users or organizations to have social interactions, to create or to share information based on their personal or professional interests.
Discussion forum
A discussion forum is a public and dynamic discussion space on the Internet where different persons can exchange their ideas and opinions on a precise subject, in real or delayed time.
Virtual reality
The virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows the creation of an environment composed of 3D synthetic images that provide the user the feeling of being immersed in a real world
Augmented reality
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive technology consisting of superimposing, in real time, virtual elements – images or information – on top of real-world images in order to enrich the user’s perception of this frame of reference.
Adaptive hypermedia
A hypermedia is called “adaptive” when each user is being suggested links according to certain characteristics such as his preferences or his knowledge.
Personalized training
The personalized training is a training method based on the fact that each learner is unique.
Big data
We call big data the sum of the digital data produced by new technologies - for professional or personal use - in real time, continuously and which growth is exponential.
Adaptive learning
Based in particular on the artificial intelligence advances and on adaptive hypermedia, adaptive learning is a personalized training mode that uses technologies, not only to transmit contents to the learner and to evaluate his learning but also to adapt it for him.
Micro learning
Micro learning is an eLearning approach based on short informative sessions – which last in general from a few seconds to 15 minutes –on a given topic and with a specific purpose.