Catherine Meilleur has over 15 years of experience in research and writing. Having worked as a journalist and educational designer, she is interested in everything related to learning: from educational psychology to neuroscience, and the latest innovations that can serve learners, such as virtual and augmented reality. She is also passionate about issues related to the future of education at a time when a real revolution is taking place, propelled by digital technology and artificial intelligence.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Quebeckers and the digital landscape: a snapshot of 4 generations

2021-04-29T15:41:28-04:002018/09/05|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society, Technology|

Where do Quebecers stand regarding their use of the Web, social media and smartphones? This is the question that CEFRIO tries to answer every year. Based on the data collected in 2017, the research and innovation organization has just published the generational component of Quebecers’ digital profile.

Intelligent Adaptive Learning: Everyone’s Training!

2021-04-29T13:26:35-04:002018/08/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Technology|

With advances in artificial intelligence (AI), adaptive hypermedia research, and the growth of big data, personalized training is getting a big boost with the rise of adaptive learning.

[INFOGRAPHIC] The fascinating brain: 5 amazing facts

2022-03-29T16:30:00-04:002018/08/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

This complex and mysterious organ fascinates us. Thanks to the new medical imaging devices, functional MRI in particular, it has revealed itself a little more in recent years.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 musts for motivation in online learning

2021-04-29T13:29:27-04:002018/07/26|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Essential for learning, the motivation is even more needed in online training where the feeling of isolation and discontinuation can put a brake on commitment. By following a few principles, we can not only avoid this trap but also use technology to multiply the motivation of learners.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 unexpected assets of a good teacher

2021-04-29T13:31:54-04:002018/07/13|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

This is obvious: to be a good teacher you must be knowledgeable and a good communicator. But these are not the only skills that can demonstrate the ability to teach ... or help to develop it. Here are 10 original ones to cultivate:

[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 unexpected assets of a good learner

2021-04-29T14:13:44-04:002018/07/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning|

We all know that to be a "good learner" it is required to be studious, responsible and interested in acquiring new knowledge. But these are not the only skills that can demonstrate an ability to learn. Here are 10 important ones to cultivate as well!

Choosing the colors of an online training

2021-04-29T14:17:21-04:002018/06/27|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

It has multiple faces, we all have our favorite and the effects it exerts on us, without our knowledge, spark our curiosity. Color is a powerful element, an integral part of our lives. It is no coincidence that the neuromarketing experts study it in all its nuances.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 7 myths about learning, debunked by neuroscience

2022-03-07T10:22:56-05:002018/06/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

Neuroscience has shed new light on how our brain learns. Although much remains to be explored, we now know that some beliefs may be forgotten, while others deserve renewed interest. Here are 7 myths passed through the filters of neuroscience:

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] Do your employees know how to learn?

2021-04-29T14:24:42-04:002018/05/29|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Research|

In this knowledge-based economy that technologically evolves every day, being able to "learn how to learn" is THE key skill of the new worker. Moreover, the strength of a company rests more than ever on its human capital.

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