Catherine Meilleur has over 15 years of experience in research and writing. Having worked as a journalist and educational designer, she is interested in everything related to learning: from educational psychology to neuroscience, and the latest innovations that can serve learners, such as virtual and augmented reality. She is also passionate about issues related to the future of education at a time when a real revolution is taking place, propelled by digital technology and artificial intelligence.

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] The 3 Speeds of Thought

2021-05-05T15:32:37-04:002020/06/25|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience, Research|

In your opinion, is the human being first and foremost rational? This is a big question that can give rise to endless philosophical debates. But from the strict point of view of the sciences that study how our box of thoughts works, we have a good idea of the answer... even if we still have a lot to learn about this fascinating organ that is our brain.

The Remarkable Journey of Deep Learning

2021-05-05T15:33:34-04:002020/06/17|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Technology|

A sub-domain of machine learning – itself a sub-domain of AI – deep learning is also its most advanced form. It allows Big Data to be processed using artificial neural networks inspired by the neural network of the human brain.

3 Tips for Integrating Humour into Teaching

2021-05-05T14:12:45-04:002020/05/20|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Thomas Bernhard once said, "Whoever can't laugh doesn't deserve to be taken seriously," a thought that would benefit from being given more consideration in teaching, even though humour has not yet received the attention it deserves.

The 4 core competencies of the 21st century

2021-05-05T14:13:36-04:002020/05/13|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Online, Society, Technology|

In a workplace where routine tasks are increasingly performed by machines equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), the skills most valued by human beings are those that allow them to perform tasks for which the solution is not known in advance.

Dealing with uncertainty in 3 steps

2021-05-05T14:14:27-04:002020/05/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Society|

Although we often manage to pretend it doesn't exist, uncertainty is an integral part of our lives. With the collective crisis we are experiencing at the moment, it is even more apparent, and in the education community, this is true for learners and teachers alike.

Unravelling online training in 3 questions

2021-05-05T14:15:30-04:002020/04/29|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Online training, distance learning, open distance learning, digital learning, MOOC... are some of these terms one and the same? Is one the modern version of the other? Are we dealing with entirely different modalities of learning?

7 principles of 21st-century learning and elearning

2021-05-05T14:16:32-04:002020/04/23|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Society|

In its Innovative Learning Environments project, the OECD has identified seven principles that should be integrated into any learning environment to ensure that it is truly effective and relevant to the needs of 21st-century learners.

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