A Conversation With Newton

2023-09-26T17:20:06-04:002023/03/22|Articles, Case Study, Online, Ping Ng, Technology|

VR and AI Prototype: A Conversation with Newton is a fully immersive VR experience where the user can visit Isaac Newton in his recreated study room at Woolsthorpe Manor and have an unscripted conversation with him on any topic related to his life and work.

Game Creators’ Odyssey – Ubisoft’s recipe on game design

2023-09-26T17:22:11-04:002022/02/17|Articles, Case Study, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Technology|

The Game Creators’ Odyssey is the gateway to an epic quest, where learners acquire gainful knowledge on game creation. They are challenged by design activities and rewarded with exclusive content. They also engage with fellow game creators, together, creating a strong community of practice.

Integrating Virtual Reality in Higher Education: The Faubourg à m’lasse

2023-09-26T17:22:48-04:002022/02/03|Articles, Case Study, Learning, Ping Ng, Technology|

Technology is rapidly evolving, and, in this context, it is just of matter of time until its multiple facets move in convincingly in the education field. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, or even the implementation of Artificial Intelligence can provide various advantages to any curricula. However, the primary condition of a successful deployment is the reason behind the use of technology, and that is the learning objectives themselves.

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