Unsupervised learning allows the computer to create rules by trying to partition and classify by itself - without labeled examples or reinforcement signals - data in homogeneous categories.
Supervised learning
Doru Lupeanu2018-04-11T15:23:26-04:00Supervised learning is one of the three types of learning implemented by artificial neural networks, the other two being unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning.
Machine learning
Doru Lupeanu2018-04-11T14:30:45-04:00Machine learning is a process by which a computer or software improves, without human intervention, its mode of operation by acquiring new knowledge and skills from the results it has obtained during previous actions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Doru Lupeanu2018-01-19T14:54:20-05:00Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the set of theories and technologies used to develop machines or software capable of simulating cognitive functions associated with human intelligence, such as learning or reasoning.
RSS Feed
Doru Lupeanu2018-01-10T12:50:09-05:00An RSS feed - acronym for a "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary" - is an information monitoring technology that tracks any new content on a website and informs any subscribed user.
Doru Lupeanu2018-01-10T12:26:09-05:00The acronym SCORM - Shareable Content Object Reference Model (content sharing by using a defined data model) - refers to a way of developing the operability between an LMS (Learning Management System) and the content of an online course.
Learning Management Systems
Doru Lupeanu2018-01-10T12:53:15-05:00A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that helps administer and/or deliver part or all of a training program.