
Using Various Analytics to Evaluate the Success of a MOOC

2021-05-03T19:53:29-04:002018/12/13|Anik de St-Hilaire, Articles, Jihan Rabah, Learning, Research, Technology|

The world today is witnessing an increasing interest in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This new form of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) is in the spotlight, particularly when it comes to the topic of the evolving nature of higher education learning.

[WEBINAR] Case Study: How to Engage Students with Branching Scenarios

2021-04-29T15:15:32-04:002018/11/22|Articles, Learning, Michael Cerantola, Online, Technology|

In this case study, KnowledgeOne, using the iSpring suite will guide you through different examples of branching scenarios, as well as different techniques to apply to your online training programs to connect further with your audience.

[WEBINAR] Turn an ordinary PowerPoint slide deck into an engaging online course

2021-04-29T15:30:23-04:002018/10/11|Articles, Learning, Michael Cerantola, Online, Technology|

Take a look back at one of the webinars delivered by our Integration Manager, Michael Cerantola, on how to turn an ordinary PowerPoint slide deck into an amazing and engaging e-Learning course.

4 challenges for education in the digital revolution era

2021-04-29T15:31:27-04:002018/10/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Society, Technology|

Our world is changing faster and deeper than ever. In the midst of this whirlwind, we cannot avoid a re-evaluation our common values, but also the identity and role of our institutions. Among them is "the school" which, from elementary to university, has given body and direction to our society for generations.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Quebeckers and the digital landscape: a snapshot of 4 generations

2021-04-29T15:41:28-04:002018/09/05|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society, Technology|

Where do Quebecers stand regarding their use of the Web, social media and smartphones? This is the question that CEFRIO tries to answer every year. Based on the data collected in 2017, the research and innovation organization has just published the generational component of Quebecers’ digital profile.

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