
Integrating Virtual Reality in Higher Education: The Faubourg à m’lasse

2023-09-26T17:22:48-04:002022/02/03|Articles, Case Study, Learning, Ping Ng, Technology|

Technology is rapidly evolving, and, in this context, it is just of matter of time until its multiple facets move in convincingly in the education field. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, or even the implementation of Artificial Intelligence can provide various advantages to any curricula. However, the primary condition of a successful deployment is the reason behind the use of technology, and that is the learning objectives themselves.

The Web from 1.0 to 4.0

2021-08-11T11:26:32-04:002021/08/11|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Technology|

Of the multiple generations of the Web, it is the second one, commonly called "2.0", that we have heard the most about. It is the one that marked the advent of the Web as a dynamic, participative and global platform on which the user became an actor. More recently, the labels "3.0", "4.0" and sometimes even "5.0" have appeared to mark the most recent transformations of this evolving Web; transformations that are not only technological but also sociological.

First Digital Profile of Quebecers with Disabilities

2021-07-07T10:33:43-04:002021/07/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society, Technology|

For the first time, the NETendances survey, which draws up a digital profile of Quebecers each year, focused on adults with disabilities. The notion of disability used in this context included any difficulty of a hearing, visual, cognitive, physical or psychological nature as well as any other long-term health problem. Of the 12,000 Quebecers aged 18 and over interviewed for the full survey, 3,743 had at least one of these difficulties.

Are You Zoom-Fatigued or Are You Just Fatigue-Fatigued?

2021-05-05T16:07:27-04:002021/03/17|Articles, Josh Quirion, Learning, Online, Technology|

You’re in a Zoom meeting. Your posture is first-rate, and the forty-three muscles in your face are contracted to deliver an expression that’s saying, “There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be.” We’ve all been there. And then, at the precise moment that your meeting ends, it’s as though a flip had been switched: your entire body relaxes back to its regular home-office slouch, and your facial expression returns to its neutral position. Maybe you even change back into your pyjamas.

Mini glossary of technology in learning

2022-04-08T10:14:16-04:002020/07/21|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Technology|

Learning is increasingly taking place in a technology-driven mode, whether or not it is combined with traditional classroom settings. Since this trend will become more prominent in the years to come, it is worthwhile to become familiar with these new realities. Here is a mini glossary of terms that will help you do just that.

The Remarkable Journey of Deep Learning

2021-05-05T15:33:34-04:002020/06/17|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Technology|

A sub-domain of machine learning – itself a sub-domain of AI – deep learning is also its most advanced form. It allows Big Data to be processed using artificial neural networks inspired by the neural network of the human brain.

The 4 core competencies of the 21st century

2021-05-05T14:13:36-04:002020/05/13|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Online, Society, Technology|

In a workplace where routine tasks are increasingly performed by machines equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), the skills most valued by human beings are those that allow them to perform tasks for which the solution is not known in advance.

Initiatives for a Responsible and Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

2021-05-05T14:19:33-04:002020/04/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society, Technology|

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world. Already present in many sectors of activity, from medicine to transportation and the advent of so-called "intelligent cities", this technology is here to stay.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 3 Benefits of Intelligent Adaptive Learning for the Company

2021-05-05T14:26:33-04:002020/02/20|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Technology|

Powered by AI, intelligent adaptive learning is the most promising form of personalized learning in online training. It optimizes the chances of success for each learner by allowing them to follow a training path that adapts in real-time to their profile. After presenting three benefits of intelligent adaptive learning for the learner, in a previous article, here are three from the employer’s perspective.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 3 Benefits of Intelligent Adaptive Learning for The Learner

2021-05-05T14:27:14-04:002020/02/11|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Technology|

The ultimate in personalized learning, the "intelligent adaptive learning" - "intelligent" because it is powered by artificial intelligence - can generate in real-time for each learner the most appropriate learning path to achieve his or her goals.

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