
It Takes All of Us!

2021-05-03T19:52:36-04:002018/12/18|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Society|

This is a hard-to-write article, as the words seem to grab from the depths of my soul memories I fought for a long time to push back and forget, but that, eventually, I managed to process. It touches me on a personal level more than many of the people around me realize or even thought possible. And even now, laying it down in a few words sounds a bit eery:

4 challenges for education in the digital revolution era

2021-04-29T15:31:27-04:002018/10/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Society, Technology|

Our world is changing faster and deeper than ever. In the midst of this whirlwind, we cannot avoid a re-evaluation our common values, but also the identity and role of our institutions. Among them is "the school" which, from elementary to university, has given body and direction to our society for generations.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Quebeckers and the digital landscape: a snapshot of 4 generations

2021-04-29T15:41:28-04:002018/09/05|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society, Technology|

Where do Quebecers stand regarding their use of the Web, social media and smartphones? This is the question that CEFRIO tries to answer every year. Based on the data collected in 2017, the research and innovation organization has just published the generational component of Quebecers’ digital profile.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Top 10 crucial competencies for 2020

2021-04-29T14:25:28-04:002018/05/24|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Society, Technology|

Creativity, emotional intelligence and the ability to collaborate are among the top 10 skills that will be most sought after in 2020, as well as, let's say ... tomorrow! In the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution led by the Internet of Things and digital technologies, it appears that the actual "human" qualities are becoming popular.

Business transfers in Quebec: a major challenge

2021-04-28T15:57:12-04:002018/05/08|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Society|

Business owners who will need to sell or transfer their businesses in the next 10 years are estimated at 30,000, a figure that some say is conservative. Put this number mostly on the fact that the “baby boomers” are beginning to retire.

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