[WEBINAR] Case Study: How to Engage Students with Branching Scenarios

2021-04-29T15:15:32-04:002018/11/22|Articles, Learning, Michael Cerantola, Online, Technology|

In this case study, KnowledgeOne, using the iSpring suite will guide you through different examples of branching scenarios, as well as different techniques to apply to your online training programs to connect further with your audience.

Improving Online Readiness in Higher Education: A Case Study

2022-08-15T16:19:17-04:002018/11/20|Amber Judge, Articles, Case Study, Jihan Rabah, Learning, Online, Research|

This case study discusses the course eConcordia created for enhancing students’ self-regulated learning, self-motivation, study skills, and technological self-efficacy.

Online learning: 6 types of interactions at play

2021-04-29T15:20:06-04:002018/11/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Learning and teaching involve several forms of interaction between different actors. In pedagogy, this subject has been studied from several viewpoints and has given rise to various theories, with the growth of online learning adding a new dimension to them. Here are 6 types of interactions inherent to learning and teaching, and their specifics in the context of online education.

A holistic model for student evaluation in online courses

2021-04-29T15:23:40-04:002018/10/31|Anik de St-Hilaire, Articles, Jihan Rabah, Learning, Online, Research, Wynnpaul Varela|

Elearning does not automatically make for better learning, nor does it necessarily guarantee superior learning outcomes. Many scholars have observed that a considerable amount of online learning in higher education has had but a mediocre impact on learner achievement.

Assessment Practices and Students’ Approaches to Learning: A Systematic Review

2021-04-29T15:27:31-04:002018/10/23|Articles, Jihan Rabah, Learning, Manasvini Narayana, Online, Research|

In this research, we present the results of a systematic review of the literature describing how deep and surface approaches to learning are associated with different assessment practices.

[WEBINAR] Turn an ordinary PowerPoint slide deck into an engaging online course

2021-04-29T15:30:23-04:002018/10/11|Articles, Learning, Michael Cerantola, Online, Technology|

Take a look back at one of the webinars delivered by our Integration Manager, Michael Cerantola, on how to turn an ordinary PowerPoint slide deck into an amazing and engaging e-Learning course.

4 challenges for education in the digital revolution era

2021-04-29T15:31:27-04:002018/10/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online, Society, Technology|

Our world is changing faster and deeper than ever. In the midst of this whirlwind, we cannot avoid a re-evaluation our common values, but also the identity and role of our institutions. Among them is "the school" which, from elementary to university, has given body and direction to our society for generations.

Sync or swim: getting comfortable with synchronous elearning

2021-04-29T15:35:13-04:002018/09/25|Articles, Jesse Harris, Learning, Online|

Whether via SMS, chat, whiteboard collaboration, audio and/or video conferencing, or a combination of the above, these synchronous tools bring a vital sense of mutual presence (instructor and learner) and help create a sense of community in the eLearning classroom.

12 tips for adult-friendly online training

2021-04-29T15:36:04-04:002018/09/19|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

As one of the pioneers of adult education, the American Malcolm Knowles was the first to develop an educational model based on the characteristics of the adult learner, as we discussed in our previous article The Adult: a distinct learner.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 musts for motivation in online learning

2021-04-29T13:29:27-04:002018/07/26|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Essential for learning, the motivation is even more needed in online training where the feeling of isolation and discontinuation can put a brake on commitment. By following a few principles, we can not only avoid this trap but also use technology to multiply the motivation of learners.

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