Online Learning: 10 Trends for 2020
What are the trends most likely to mark 2020 in elearning? Here's our ⇑ top 10!
What are the trends most likely to mark 2020 in elearning? Here's our ⇑ top 10!
When it comes to learning, the term "engagement" is never far away. Since we often refer to it, we might think that it is clearly defined and that its mechanisms are well understood, which is not the case. Before looking for solutions to optimize the engagement of learners in training, it is necessary to know what it is and what the research says about it.
In elearning, unlike classroom settings, learners and teachers must approach the technological environment as an intermediary. Despite its undeniable advantages, the latter can pose obstacles in terms of communication. However, whether in the way content is presented on the platform or in the exchanges between learners and the teacher, communication is an essential element for the success of any learning path.
In online training, instructional designers are often responsible for adapting a course previously given in a traditional classroom and designed for that context. This work requires more than merely transferring educational content to a technological medium. If we look at assessments specifically, which allow for the assimilation of material and evaluation of acquired knowledge, their design requires special attention.
Whether we develop a traditional or online training, optimizing the learners’ workload is a delicate, but essential, process. It is necessary that the theoretical, as well as the practical content, allow the learners to achieve the objectives of the course without overloading them, at the risk of demotivating them.
As elearning becomes more popular, it is opening up to an increasing number and diversity of cohorts of learners. To maximize everyone's chances of success and reduce inequalities along their learning journey, instructional designers should always take advantage of the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Given its particular context, online training may seem more vulnerable to cheating than face-to-face training. In recent years, however, it can resort to "anti-cheat" technologies with increased success.
Learning, as a process, comes with many emotions. It is partly up to the learners to manage their own, using resources, if necessary, that can help them achieve their learning goals
Ergonomics refers both to the field of study and its application whose purpose is to make our life easier. To be more precise, this discipline tries to understand and optimize, in human-system interrelations, the well-being and efficiency of humans as well as the performance of systems.
Not so long ago, it was thought that learning was a strictly rational process in which emotions did not have a big role. This belief was formed together with a certain definition of intelligence derived from the "famous" IQ tests - yet designed to detect learning difficulties in children.