
Learning and Forgetting: New Perspectives on the Brain

2021-05-05T11:38:57-04:002019/07/18|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

The brain is the most extraordinary of our organs, and although we are far from having unraveled all its mysteries, some of them have been exposed in recent years. The tools and approaches that allow us to explore it have made giant strides. Here are some current discoveries that should interest and surprise you!

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] Why Are We Cheating?

2021-05-05T11:49:16-04:002019/05/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience, Research|

Cheating is circumventing or violating legal or moral rules, pretending to respect them, in order to take unfair advantage of them. Cheating is everywhere: we have all heard of scandals that have splashed the world of sport, business, politics, etc. Many of us would also have cheated at least once during our school years...

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] The importance of emotions in learning

2022-03-08T14:42:03-05:002019/02/02|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience, Online, Research|

Not so long ago, it was thought that learning was a strictly rational process in which emotions did not have a big role. This belief was formed together with a certain definition of intelligence derived from the "famous" IQ tests - yet designed to detect learning difficulties in children.

8 Types of Memory… to Remember!

2021-04-29T15:18:53-04:002018/11/09|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

Memory is the essential brain function that allows us to develop a sense of self, to store memories, to reason, to understand, and of course to learn. We speak about it in the singular form, but it would be more correct to evoke it in the plural one. We understand now that it is composed of different systems which, although in constant interrelationships, are distinct and autonomous due to the nature of the information they store and the brain networks they use.

[INFOGRAPHIC] The fascinating brain: 5 amazing facts

2022-03-29T16:30:00-04:002018/08/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

This complex and mysterious organ fascinates us. Thanks to the new medical imaging devices, functional MRI in particular, it has revealed itself a little more in recent years.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 7 myths about learning, debunked by neuroscience

2022-03-07T10:22:56-05:002018/06/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

Neuroscience has shed new light on how our brain learns. Although much remains to be explored, we now know that some beliefs may be forgotten, while others deserve renewed interest. Here are 7 myths passed through the filters of neuroscience:

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