10 Ways Online Learning is Reshaping Companies’ Training Strategies

2023-08-21T14:03:28-04:002023/08/21|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Online|

In the ever-evolving business landscape, training is a ubiquitous requirement for staying ahead of the competition. Especially pushed upfront by the recent pandemic, online learning has become quintessential to any company's training strategy. So, let's delve into how online learning is reshaping the corporate world, from onboarding to upskilling, fostering innovation, and enhancing employee engagement.

A Conversation With Newton

2023-09-26T17:20:06-04:002023/03/22|Articles, Case Study, Online, Ping Ng, Technology|

VR and AI Prototype: A Conversation with Newton is a fully immersive VR experience where the user can visit Isaac Newton in his recreated study room at Woolsthorpe Manor and have an unscripted conversation with him on any topic related to his life and work.

7 elearning trends to keep you ahead of your competition

2023-03-16T15:57:03-04:002023/03/16|Articles, Jennifer McCance, Learning, Online|

As technology advances, the elearning industry rapidly changes. One of the key techniques for an organization to stay relevant and exceed clients' expectations is to be mindful of the industry's trajectory. Staying ahead of the competition is easier said than done. However, keeping in mind the current and future trends are surely an integral part. Let's examine some of them.

Self-regulated learning: a framework for adult learner autonomy

2023-01-25T11:35:23-05:002023/01/25|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

There is a growing interest in the importance of autonomy in learning, including for adults. This topic seems more relevant than ever, given the increasing importance of elearning, which may require learners to be more independent than face-to-face courses. One of the most interesting and encompassing concepts on the subject is that of self-regulated learning, which dynamically integrates the fundamental aspects of the act of learning, such as cognition, motivation, metacognition and volition.

4 Tips for an Engaging Online Learning Experience

2022-05-31T16:21:51-04:002022/05/31|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Online learning has become a fact of life in the educational world, at least in part. Many people experienced it for the first time, in a hurry and on the fly, during the COVID-19 pandemic. In such a context, it was inevitable that it would leave some with a limited impression of its potential. But a properly designed elearning course is much more than a video conference.

5 Advantages of Online Training for the Learner

2022-05-12T15:56:37-04:002022/05/12|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Learners who had not yet experienced elearning mostly had the opportunity to do so during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in many cases, they were provided with video lectures rather than actual online education designed for this purpose. It was natural that learners would remember the loss of human contact, characteristic of a face-to-face course in such a context. However, since this is a limited perception of online education and this learning mode is here to stay, it is desirable to know some of its advantages. Here are five of them!

5 Tips For Integrating Play Into Higher Education

2022-05-08T13:07:11-04:002022/05/05|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Online|

Why shouldn't adult learners have as much fun as younger ones? This question, which seems to be shared by many, prompted two American academics with atypical backgrounds to take action. In 2020, Lisa Forbes and David Thomas created Professors at Play, an online creative space to encourage the use of play and fun in higher education. Here are their top tips for actors at this level of education to better integrate play and its benefits into their practice!

Universal Design Principles and Their Application in Education

2021-08-05T14:42:56-04:002021/06/17|Articles, Erika Giraldo, Learning, Online, Society|

It is vital to fully understand that integrating accessibility principles in online learning is not an easy fix; it requires proper modelling. Furthermore, accessible instruction does not simply consist of telling professors what accessibility is and expect them to do it all on their own; it is about inclusion and the benefits it can bring to all students in a class.

Democratizing Higher Education Through Online Course Delivery

2021-06-02T12:18:38-04:002021/06/02|Articles, Josh Quirion, Learning, Online, Society|

Higher education is a luxury that’s not available to everyone, or, at least, it is a luxury that is more available to some than others. And although financial limitation is certainly an inhibitor, it is not the only one. Think, for example, of the cultural acclimation an international student might experience if they were to relocate to, say, Montreal for their post-secondary studies.

The Online Teacher

2021-05-05T16:02:31-04:002021/04/21|Articles, Josh Quirion, Learning, Online|

What does it mean to be an online teacher? How is a virtual classroom different from an in-person classroom? Are online teachers and in-person teachers the same people? Online teachers possess specific skills and competencies that allow their knowledge to translate effectively from a physical classroom to a digital one.

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