Best of2023-12-05T13:54:28-05:00

In a world where the boundaries of knowledge are constantly expanding, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option, it’s a necessity.

Delve into the fascinating intersection of educational technologies, workplace transformation, upskilling, reskilling, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the vast universe of learning.

5 Hopes for Our Tech Lives During A Pandemic

2022/01/26|Categories: Antonia Tripa, Articles, Society|

With the new year well in place, curfews, isolation periods, schools, and offices closed, the thoughts on what the future will bring for our field of Educational Technology need to be reflected upon in a context of a pandemic. There is a clearer physical and mental health need to review our gear for our new offices at home. Our job definitions are currently morphing at the same time as our working conditions, and it seems as though we won’t have to wait as long to see the new generation of jobs that were never to be conceived before.

2022 learning and elearning trends

2022/01/13|Categories: Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Society|

While most of the elements discussed in this article are a continuation of efforts made in the previous years, we can look at 2022 under the umbrella of "nothing changes except our need to change." In other words, as an industry in general, education is a slow-moving steamboat hard to steer but one that, once reaching fast waters, is in dire need of suitable strategies.

8 Proven Tips for Optimal Learning

2021/12/16|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning|

Our understanding of learning has made a quantum leap in recent years, thanks in part to neuroscience. This is in addition to a growing interest in more humane approaches to teaching that take into account the fact that cognition and emotions are inseparable, contrary to what we have long believed... So, learners and teachers, here are some tips from the latest research for optimal learning!

Cognitive biases: test your knowledge!

2021/12/09|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know what a cognitive bias is and how many there are to date? Are you aware that certain cognitive biases must be taken seriously in the teaching world? Do you have any idea of how to help a teacher avoid them? Can you tell a cognitive bias from a myth? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

10 study techniques and their effectiveness

2021/12/01|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning|

Study techniques are some of the factors that affect learning success. As such, various techniques are commonly used by learners: from highlighting to proofreading to mnemonic keywords. However, in terms of their effectiveness — and this is what matters! — all techniques are far from being equal. This is what a group of researchers concluded after reviewing the research results on ten study techniques. Here are their conclusions!

Our two short-term memories

2021/11/16|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Neuroscience|

We are all familiar with the concepts of short-term and long-term memories, which cognitive psychology has long presented to us as our two major types of temporal memories. Over time, our knowledge of these two memories has been refined, primarily through neuroscience, and we now know a little more about how they work. So let's take a look at the two facets of our short-term memory!

Long-Term Memory: Its 3 Chronological Processes

2021/11/09|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Neuroscience|

Our long-term memory can store an unlimited amount of information over a period ranging from a few hours to a lifetime. It includes the memory of recent events, which are still being processed, as well as consolidated memories. Without this memory, we would not have access to the events that have marked our lives or to all that we have learned, be it on an intellectual, emotional or motor level. This memory is based on three main chronological processes. Here they are!

Brain and neuroscience: test your knowledge!

2021/11/03|Categories: Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you have any idea how many thoughts we have in a day? Do you know the characteristics of the brain at different life stages? Do you know how stress affects the brain and how to help the brain to relax? Do you have any idea of the contribution of neuroscience to education? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Tough Conversations in The Workplace and How to Handle Them

2021/10/27|Categories: Articles, Society, Stephanie Trott|

Whenever we feel the need to address our colleagues or bosses about changing their behaviour, or doing something they ignore, it could be considered a tough conversation. However difficult these conversations might be, they are part of a workplace reality and finding the best words to make the conversation go as smoothly as possible is not always easy.

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