In a world where the boundaries of knowledge are constantly expanding, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option, it’s a necessity.
Delve into the fascinating intersection of educational technologies, workplace transformation, upskilling, reskilling, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the vast universe of learning.
Number of the month
According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), 85 % of all learning required to function in the majority of jobs...
The Basics of Ergonomics in Online Training
Ergonomics refers both to the field of study and its application whose purpose is to make our life easier. To be more precise, this discipline tries to understand and optimize, in human-system interrelations, the well-being and efficiency of humans as well as the performance of systems.
[INFOGRAPHIC] Quebec’s Households and the Digital Technology: 4 Highlights
Where are Quebecers in their use of digital devices? This is the question that CEFRIO tries to answer each year with its famous NETrend survey.
Online Training: 2019 Trends
If usually technological innovations, inseparable from this mode of education, are the ones we often expect with enthusiasm, this time they are not the only ones who advance online learning.
Number of the month
According to Retraite Quebec, the province will have...
[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] The importance of emotions in learning
Not so long ago, it was thought that learning was a strictly rational process in which emotions did not have a big role. This belief was formed together with a certain definition of intelligence derived from the "famous" IQ tests - yet designed to detect learning difficulties in children.
Self-training 101
By its prefix "self," the term self-training refers to study "by oneself" in opposition to training "by others." In many respects, this mode of learning is well adapted to our contemporary needs for lifelong learning.
Number of the month
A typical brain uses...
It Takes All of Us!
This is a hard-to-write article, as the words seem to grab from the depths of my soul memories I fought for a long time to push back and forget, but that, eventually, I managed to process. It touches me on a personal level more than many of the people around me realize or even thought possible. And even now, laying it down in a few words sounds a bit eery:
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays from all our KnowledgeOne family!