In a world where the boundaries of knowledge are constantly expanding, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option, it’s a necessity.
Delve into the fascinating intersection of educational technologies, workplace transformation, upskilling, reskilling, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the vast universe of learning.
3 Myths That Prevent You from Learning
Myths are those preconceived ideas, shared in droves, adorned with an aura of credibility, but which are false. They have a "tough skin" to break, despite the fact that we are collectively more educated and that the scientific method allows us to separate the wheat from the chaff, in other words, to distinguish a proven fact from an idea based on intuition alone.
Note-taking: Keyboard or Pen? The Verdict of Science!
Between keyboard and pen note-taking, which method is the most effective for learning? Before the advent of the intelligent digital pen, this question would not have been of any interest to a majority of young learners - and many not so young - for whom the laptop is an essential working tool.
The Digital Geography of Quebec: 4 highlights
Where are Quebecers at in their use of digital technology? This is the question that CEFRIO tries to answer every year with its famous NETendance survey. From its latest edition*, here are some figures on the administrative regions of the Belle Province.
[INFOGRAPHIC] Deciphering the Brain
This organ that allows us to be conscious of ourselves and others, to speak, to reflect, to juggle with symbols, to create, or to learn it never ceases to amaze us. It is our mainframe that gives us our human character, this powerful machine that no artificial intelligence can yet surpass.
Number of the month
This is the number of faces that the brain can memorize, on average, according to a York University study. It should be noted that 40% of the faces...
Develop Your Metacognitive Skills
Metacognition is, as we saw in a previous article, the ability to take a reflexive step back on one's own cognitive processes. Developing this ability can be one of the best ways to improve your learning.
[INFOGRAPHIC] Studying with Breaks: 3 Effective “Training” Programs
Studying is good, but studying with breaks is better! Like our muscles in physical training, the brain functions optimally if its working moments are judiciously combined with rest periods. And neuroscience has recently confirmed this.
Learning and Forgetting: New Perspectives on the Brain
The brain is the most extraordinary of our organs, and although we are far from having unraveled all its mysteries, some of them have been exposed in recent years. The tools and approaches that allow us to explore it have made giant strides. Here are some current discoveries that should interest and surprise you!
[INFOGRAPHIC] Behind the Scenes of Motivation
Motivation is a prerequisite for learning. It emanates from a cascade of processes and is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including our personal history and experiences, our physiological state, and our environment.
Metacognition 101
Based on its etymology, metacognition can be summarized by the ability to go "beyond" (meta) the "act of learning" (cognition). We all take advantage of it daily, in a more or less conscious way. However, developing metacognition is one of the best ways to improve the quality of your learning, regardless of its nature, and the first relevant exercise in this regard is to become aware of this ability.