In a world where the boundaries of knowledge are constantly expanding, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option, it’s a necessity.
Delve into the fascinating intersection of educational technologies, workplace transformation, upskilling, reskilling, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the vast universe of learning.
The social dimension in online learning
In online training, the learner most often stands alone in front of a screen... Is it impossible to see a social dimension blossom in such a context? Quite the contrary! Here are 10 key points to bring light into it.
Online Learning: 10 Trends for 2020
What are the trends most likely to mark 2020 in elearning? Here's our ⇑ top 10!
Do humour and learning mix well?
Humour, an ingredient that, in the classroom, is most often spontaneous and dependent on the teacher's personality, but which deserves to be taken a little more “seriously,” given its potential positive and negative impacts. Without making an exhaustive analysis of the subject, here are some things to think about.
5 Factors Influencing Memory Process
Our memory is undoubtedly one of our most fascinating faculties. It allows us to store information, to reason, to understand, and of course to learn! You may have already noticed that its performance is not always constant, that it can vary from one time of day to another, from one context to another.
Number of the month
Speed of "thought" - Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons, however, it can easily reach about...
Olivier Palmieri – Beyond Gaming, Ubisoft Initiatives in Digital Education
Director of L'Atelier XR at Ubisoft Montreal, Olivier Palmieri is also the official trainer of the Rational Design Methods in the company. Expert in Gameplay, Game Design & Level Design, and Virtual Reality, he provided training programs in game design methods and levels for more than 600 Ubisoft designers already in position.
6 Thoughts about Engagement in eLearning
When it comes to learning, the term "engagement" is never far away. Since we often refer to it, we might think that it is clearly defined and that its mechanisms are well understood, which is not the case. Before looking for solutions to optimize the engagement of learners in training, it is necessary to know what it is and what the research says about it.
Artificial Intelligence: 3 Promising Innovations From Quebec
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more the subject of daily conversations. This technology, inspired by the functioning of the human brain, fascinates many, worries others while keeping many unaware of its concrete applications. Its possibilities are as numerous as they are diversified, as are the sectors in which it can be used.
Number of the month
This is the number of major trends identified by the Brookfield Institute as having the potential to impact the future of...