Is your online training boring? Are you having engagement issues? Are your learners not passing their training?

There is a problem these days—learners prefer online training, but budgets are low and training is often dry, making it hard to stay engaged. But even with online training, the learner is often alone, not stimulated by other people around them. Distractions are easy and infinite with social media, smartphones, and the internet at your fingertips.

In this case study, KnowledgeOne, using the iSpring suite will guide you through different examples of branching scenarios, as well as different techniques to apply to your online training programs to connect further with your audience. View different examples of how you can apply branching scenarios to your learning, as well as use videos, quizzes, and gamification to further entrance your learners.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About best practices for engaging your audiences with eLearning training
  • About different types of branching scenarios using iSpring Suite 9
  • About analyzing and conceptualizing content for eLearning output
  • From examples of real branching scenarios created this year

It’s for you!

Novice to intermediate designers, content strategists, instructional designers, storyboarders, content creators, integrators, and anybody working in elearning production.

Michael Cerantola

Michael Cerantola

Integration Manager @KnowledgeOne